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Friday, September 6, 2013

HW #1c -- Find a graph, and copy it down!

The last assignment this week can be completed by following these steps:

1) Find a graph anywhere -- in a magazine, on a billboard, in a book, or on a website.
2) Make a copy of the graph as best as you can, with your pencil or pen, onto your notebook paper.
3) Label each part of T.A.I.L.S. that you see on your graph; for example, write "TITLE" with an arrow pointing to where the graph's title is; circle the hash marks showing the interval and write "INTERVAL" next to the circle, etc. You should be able to find and mark all five parts!

In case you don't have your notes handy, here were the five parts of a good graph:
T = Title -- says what two things are being compared in the graph
A = Axes -- The numbered lines on the bottom (x axis) and on the side (y axis)
I = Interval -- The even spacing between the hash marks along the axes
L = Labels -- Says which variable is being plotted along the x-axis, and which is being plotted along the y-axis
S = Spacing -- The data on the graph should fill up the graph (and not be crunched in a corner of the graph)

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