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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Test #3... only one week left to retake parts you did badly on!!!

It is now Tuesday, a week after you were shown how you did on Test #3 and made to write your scores down into your notes. At that time, you were also all reminded as a class that the time frame in which you can retake parts of the test that you did not pass was TWO WEEKS.

I have only had five students take advantage of test-retaking so far. The last day to retake Test #3 is Tuesday, Nov. 27th. Here are the scores again, in case you were not in class when I gave out this information or you've somehow forgotten how you did:

1st period chemistry
3rd period chemistry
5th period physics
9th period chemistry

Again, the last day to retake part or all of this test is Tuesday, Nov. 27th (just before Thanksgiving break)

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