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Friday, October 18, 2013

HW #7a -- the one and only homework assignment for this week!

Lucky students, you only have one HW assignment for this week. Examine each infrared picture below. For each picture, use the color scale to tell what temperature the two objects are. Then, make your best guess as to what temperature one of the objects will have in one hour's time (once heat heat has been lost/gained to the surrounding objects or the air)

1a) Temp of the windshield     1b) Temp of the leaking engine coolant    1c) Coolant temp one hour later?

                                                                (deg F)
 2a) Temp of the boy      2b) Temp of the basketball    2c) Temp of the boy one hour later?

                                                               (deg F)
3a) Temp of the caterpillar      3b) Temp of the hand    3c) Temp of the caterpillar one hour later?

 4a) Temp of the left hand      4b) Temp of the right hand    4c) Temp of both hands one hour later?

                                                               (deg F)
5a) Temp of the ice cube      5b) Temp of the surrounding air     5c) Temp of water (melted cube) 1 hr later?

                                                          (deg F)
6a) Temp of the hand      6b) Temp of the lizard    3c) Temp of the lizard, if held by the hand for one hour?

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